Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The November Skyscaper

These are all novel ideas but none are the one I'm looking for.

I know lots of short stories but I know more shorter ones. Some are true stories, the others just happened in my life.

I was told to get a job so I went to the store but they were all out. I went to the store across the street but they had sold out weeks ago. In fact, no store in town was selling jobs. Now I have to go online to find one.

I saw an exceptionally hairy man on campus one day--though I suppose it could have been an even more exceptionally hairy woman. Nonetheless, he was walking with a slouch and seemed to move in a hurried gait. I thought perhaps he was Sasquatch. He was blurry and dodged behind immense shrubbery. Or maybe it was just foliage. I chased him down all afternoon. When he walked through mud it was easy to follow his footprints. When he walked on the sidewalk, it was much more difficult. Growing tired I decided to pull a raw steak out of my back pack and put it on the ground. Within moments, the man-like Sasquatch approached. He asked for my steak and I granted it to him. I asked him if he was the famous Sasquatch. He said no, he was the other Sasquatch.

I was learning to type once and asked my teacher why there were indents on letters "F" and "J". On second thought, I might have just called them "bumps." My teacher said they were there so that blind people could type. I then asked how would blind people read what they typed. She didn't know the answer. Whoever invented the computer really messed up.

I was told pain/pleasure is physical and renewable in the Muslim afterlife. If your skin burns off in hell, it will grow back and you will keep getting burned. Conversely, in heaven, virginity is physical and renewable. I suppose this means you will keep getting disappointed. Aside from that, I've never understood the appeal of 72 virgins. When not having sex, do you think they all just talk about Star Trek?

I wear red shirts when I go to Target and wait for other customers to ask me where the hose nozzles are. I then point them in the wrong direction and follow from a distance. When they don't find the hose nozzles, I laugh and run away.

I knew a man once who shot flies with his revolver. He used to design video games so he was a very good shot. In fact, I don't think he ever missed one fly. But he was brutal. If he only wounded a fly with the first shot he would then get out of his chair so that he could stand over the helpless bug and execute it at point-blank range. When I went to the man's house I saw bullet holes in his bookshelf, sofa, refrigerator, walls, floor and doors. I understand why he shot flies but I don't understand why he shot everything else.

Latantent - the act or description of fraudulent information being included with factual information in hopes of going unnoticed.

This story is a skyscraper because it is made up of dozens of stories.

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