Friday, February 5, 2010

Ships are Sinking

February brings about more than just cold-weather frustration and an inexplicable day-shortage. As many Americans know, it also celebrates, or at least remembers, black history. But unlike many Americans know, the first week of February is the most damaging week of the year for romantic relationships.

According to a study conducted by MIT undergraduates, 3% of 20 to 29 year-olds were in a relationship on January 28, 2009. Within three weeks, both couples had broken up.

According to a more successful study, 54% of all couples dating in January break up by February 7th. Just as shocking, nearly all of these couples get back together in March or late February. Most relationship-ologists believe the warming weather of March brings people together, though non-February winter months don’t seem especially difficult on couples. Most shocking of all, nearly all of the relationships are ended by the guy.

When asked if Black History Month plays a role in February’s romantic troubles, Jon Washington said, “Definitely a factor; it’s the only factor for me.”

Washington went on to explain, that like a lot of guys (regardless of nationality or race), he wants to spend some time remembering and reflecting on proud African-American traditions and history; commemorating the things that really matter.

“You just loss scope sometimes,” said Washington, “and I just feel like I can’t give any relationship I’m in the energy and time it deserves.”

Washington admitted that in three or four weeks he may feel differently, but it’s hard to say. When asked if the early February timing had anything to do with Valentine’s Day, Washington looked around the room in disbelief, saying, “Valentine’s Day? Who said-what’s…Is that this month?”

Washington then deliberately knocked over a glass of water and ran out of the room.

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